The purpose of the Benton-Stearns Education District is to provide educational opportunities for pupils by increasing cooperation and coordination among the member districts. The purpose is accomplished through the creation of an Education District Board, which applies, receives and administers funding on behalf of the Member Districts. High quality staff provides service with expertise in a multitude of skill areas. Improved learning for students is an ongoing goal and function of this Education District.
Benton-Stearns Education District was reorganized as an Education District in October 1988 by an agreement between six member districts (see Education District Agreement and Bylaws). From 1978 to 1988 the Education District was organized as a Joint Powers Special Education Cooperative.
Building Hours
Main Office - 7:00-3:30
Voyagers Building - 7:00-3:30
Pioneers Building - 7:00-3:30

Picture of the BSED office

Picture of the BSED office

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Main Office Hours (August 22- June 1)
7:30-4:00 Monday-Friday
Benton Stearns Education District-Main Office
Sartell, MN 56377
​Tel: 320.252.8427
​Fax: 320.252.1316
Benton Stearns Programs
Voyagers and New Frontiers
Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
​Tel: 320.253.8940
​Fax: 320.253.1846
Pioneers and ASD Program-
Sartell, MN 56377
Tel: 320-223-7400
Fax: 320.257-9988