Located at the Grafton Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility in Cold Spring, MN. The Grafton program accepts clients from anywhere in the state of Minnesota. In order to attend the Grafton School, students need to be accepted into the Grafton Residential Treatment Facility. Although many Grafton clients have special education needs, they do not need to have special education needs to be accepted into the program. Grafton is committed to accepting clients with the most challenging behaviors, many of whom have struggled within traditional school settings. Clients receive individual, family and group therapy while at Grafton. They also receive medical care by around the clock nursing staff.
The Grafton School Program

Grafton School staff members provide quality, comprehensive, structured, and customized educational services, in a nurturing, supportive, relationship-based environment for the students admitted into the Grafton program. By combining education and behavioral health—balancing academic and functional skills—they allow students to recognize their strengths and use them to achieve success in learning across subjects and environments.​​​
Mental Health Technicians, trained by the Grafton Residential program staff, provide support to students during the school day
Medical care is provided by Grafton nursing staff
Nutritious and appropriate meals and snacks are provided by the Grafton residential program
​Grafton is a locked facility with security systems to ensure student safety
The Benton-Stearns Education District provides teaching staff, as well as other licensed professionals to meet the educational needs of the students in the Grafton program. Services are provided as indicated on a students Individualized Education Program (IEP). IEPs are reviewed and amended with IEP teams as students enter the Grafton program. The school staff members also assist with the transition of students to schools when students discharge from the program.
Grafton School follows the Benton-Stearns Education District calendar and student attend a full day (8:15 a.m-2:30 p.m)
Courses include language arts, math, science, social studies, physical education, art, and social skills
Teachers include many hands-on activities in their instruction
Students are allowed supervised tablet use for educational purposes unless it has been determined to be detrimental to the students mental health or safety
IEP services include, but are not limited to, physical therapy, occupation therapy and speech therapy provided by licensed Benton-Stearns staff members
If you have any questions about the Grafton School program, please contact:
Jean Wirz
Benton-Stearns Education District
Special Education Supervisor - Grafton
email: jwirz@bentonstearns.k12.mn.us
Phone: 320-426-6301