At THREE MONTHS, your child should:
Turn head towards bright colors or lights
Respond to loud sounds
Grasps objects placed in hand- Recognize breast or bottle
Begin to bat at objects- Make cooing, babbling sounds
Lift head and chest when lying on tummy
Quiet when spoken to
Follow moving objects with eyes
At SIX MONTHS, your child should:
Reach for toys and pick them up
Move toys from hand to hand
Help hold bottle
Sit with minimum support
Begin to crawl
Roll over (both ways)
Turn toward source of normal sound
Recognize familiar faces
At NINE MONTHS, your child should:
Sit without support
Find toy hidden under cloth
Imitate "bye-bye", "ma-ma", clap
Begin creeping on hands and knees
Enjoy dumping out and picking up things
At their ONE YEAR BIRTHDAY, your child should:
Pull itself to standing position
Crawl on hands and knees
Wave "bye-bye"
Put toys into a container
Begin to use a spoon and hold a cup
Point to objects he/she knows when asked, "Where is it?
At EIGHTEEN MONTHS, your child should:
Try putting on their own shoes
Feed them self with a spoon
Like to help
Let you know what they want
Point to things when needed
Walk without help
Pick up a cheerio
Build a tower with three blocks
At their SECOND BIRTHDAY, your child should:
Listen to short stories
Turn the pages of a book
Copy another child's play
Walk up and down stairs with help
Sometimes use two word sentences
Often do the opposite of what is asked
At their THIRD BIRTHDAY, your child should:
Talk, so they can be understood most of the time
Use three word sentences
Tell you who is a girl and who is a boy
Pedal a trike
Kick a ball
Initiate (copy) drawing a straight line
Stringe large objects
Name six body parts
At their FOURTH BIRTHDAY, your child should:
Ask questions
Play make-believe
Take turns
Dress themselves, except for fasteners
Put together a 7-12 piece puzzle
Draw a face
Balance on one foot
Name several colors
At their FIFTH BIRTHDAY, your child should:
Play organized games
Follow a three-step direction
Cut with scissors
Copy familiar shapes
Draw a person with 6-8 body parts
Catch a bounced ball
Count to ten
Understand the meaning of many words