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Deaf/Hard of Hearing Program

Hearing loss, whether permanent or fluctuating, can adversely affect a child's performance in school.  The Deaf/Hard of Hearing (D/HH) program includes assessments and habilitation of hearing loss. The goal is to provide special education instruction and related services to help the educational, communicative and social functioning of these students.

Audiology Program
This program provides comprehensive audiology services to children ages birth to 21 who are deaf or hard of hearing.  The program involves working closely with students, parents and school personnel to ensure the most appropriate educational environment for these students. Assessments include pure tone and speech audiometric screening, tympanometry, otoacoustic emissions and other specialized testing used for the fitting of amplification. Other services include the selection, fitting and maintenance of school FM systems.  The educational audiologist can also provide consultation to IEP teams specific to assistive technology and , environmental assessments, and inservice to educational staff.
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Teaching Services
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Teaching services ensure a professional team is available to provide quality instruction and support for the educational process for students ages birth to 21 who are deaf or hard of hearing or DeafBlind. The goal is to help these students to reach their academic potential within the regular education setting. The Deaf & Hard of Hearing teaching staff offers to:

  • Provide academic assessment of the student with hearing losses.

  • Participate in local (i.e., school site) child-study team meetings.

  • Act as consultant to local school districts' personnel and hearing peers.

  • Provide direct and indirect educational/instructional services to the deaf & hard of hearing student.

  • Lead inservice workshops to inform students, teachers and related school staff on hearing and its educational impact.

Provide additional support/guidance specific to assistive technology and FM systems.


General Hearing Loss Information

Minnesota Department of Education/Special Education/Deaf/HH:



Are you a parent of a child with a newly diagnosed hearing loss?
This website was created to answer parents' questions about

  • Infant hearing screening and follow up testing

  • Steps to take after diagnosis of hearing loss

  • Hearing loss and hearing aids; language and speech

  • Parenting issue

  • Hearing loss in infants and young children (


Where do we go from here? This Minnesota Department of Health site includes a "roadmap" of recommended appointments for children with hearing loss.  Early Hearing Detection and Intervention

​Boys Town Hospital, located in Omaha, Nebraska is internationally recognized as a leader in clinical and research programs focusing on childhood deafness, visual impairment and related communication disorders. Visit their site for information on cochlear implants, The Center for Childhood Deafness, and more


Boys Town Hospital HearingServices


Practical strategies for parents at home



Contact Information:

Michele Isham

Teacher for the Deaf/HH:  (320)257-7351


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